Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Healthy Eating...

Funny, breakfast daily was my first resolution of the year and it has stuck.  It certainly helps curb the lunchtime hunger.  So does the mid-morning snack.  And I've come up with more than one breakfast so that on days that I might need to indulge more at lunch (fabulous connecting lunch yesterday!), I can go smaller at breakfast, skip the cream in the coffee type thing.  I've armed myself with healthy snacks... strive for 5!  I love munching on cauliflower, rediscovered that I really like bananas and apples and found that Skinny Cow Swiss Cheese (and other flavors) really hits the spot when paired with an apple.  But the thing that helps me stay true is my water.  I am drinking lots of water now and I found one secret was finding a vehicle that you like... mine happens to be a straw in a cup.  I am still struggling with those late night cravings.  I bought frozen all fruit bars, but they just made me cold (and I'm not a cold girl usually as my friends can attest!).  I bought the calorie friendly chocolate pudding... mmmmmm, NOT.  It wasn't for me.  I tried a cup of cocoa in the evening... yummy chocolate, now what to eat with it.  Oops, that didn't work.  What curbs your late night hunger?  I am open to ideas...

1 comment:

  1. I love me a "banana baby" in the evening. These are frozen bananas on a stick that are either milk chocolate or dark chocolate covered. I could probably make these myself but why fuss with the mess when I can buy a box of 6 in the ice cream section of the grocer store. Another favorite has been the banana/strawberry smoothies. A little milk a little vanilla and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I must confess we have been through not one, not two, but three blenders on this one. Go ahead get the 5pm bag of strawberries at BJ's. Love You!
