Thursday, January 5, 2012

Breakfast is coffee and fiber one bar.  It is staring at me as I type this, willing me to eat it.  However, I am just not ready (and the coffee is too hot).  I will add that yesterday I had a morning snack of a banana rounding out that protein, fiber and fruit recommendation.  So I am guessing I will plan a banana snack again today, although that will require a trip to the grocery store as I sent most of the bananas I bought over the weekend to college with my son.  Keeping with the resolution trend, I spoke to my middle one about HIS resolution.  It is kind of a cop out, IMO.  Yes, I want him to stay on top of his school work.  But seriously, it has gotten to the point that he has to make a resolution out of it?   He's a teenager, so I pick my battles.  "GREAT!" I say.  "How can I support you with that?"  Buying some Chipotle gift cards after my trip to the grocery store.  Yes, I bribe my children.  I bribe myself, why not them!

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