Thursday, November 13, 2014

Book #38

When they announced the Nobel Peace Prize for 2014, I said, "I know who that is!  I read her book!"  I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai is the emotional story of this young woman who spoke up for education of young women against the Taliban and was SHOT and almost killed for it.  I learned so much about Pakistan while reading this book.  And I learned how very little I really know about a the world.  It is not funny, it is often horrible, but it is important.

I must also mention that she co-won the peace prize with an Indian man (a Hindu) who follows in Gandi's footsteps of peaceful demonstration to also make possible education for all children.  Malala (a Muslim) is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and the committee mentions in their press release (in which they misspell her name) that they felt it was important to show people from different backgrounds are working against extremism for the common goal of education of children.

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