Thursday, June 20, 2013

Resolution 24: Clean it out!

School supplies lay around with partially used notebooks and half-filled marker boxes.  Mismatched mittens. Outgrown or outworn pants.  It would be easy to say... It's summer, it can wait until the fall.  Or you can just clean it out now.  I keep partially used notebooks... they come in hand for short term projects or keeping track of who is who on The Bachelorette.  While the young-uns are running amok in the back yard, snap pictures of the school work and then haul it out to the recycle bin.  Make lists of supplies you'll need to purchase for the fall and the sizes that have been outgrown (one of those partially used notebooks are especially good for taking those kinds of notes).  Then, hunt around online in the clearance sections for gloves or ski pants.  I also note ideas for Christmas... need flannel sheets for the winter?  Or to re-do little Johnny's bedroom?  Summer is a great time to clean it out!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Resolution 22: Summer Contracts

I am a BIG fan of summer contracts.  It lets kids know your expectations in advance and it lets you know their expectations of the summer vacation as well.  It needs to be written.  It needs to be an agreement, not a dictatorship.  Anything you want out of them, tie to something they want out of you.  Perhaps they want weekly field trips.  And you definitely want daily reading.  Or they want daily gaming time and you want daily exercise/outdoor time.  Don't over-schedule.  Do brainstorm lists of activities for those inevitable "I'm bored" or "I have NOTHING to do" moments with which childhood is and should be fraught.  I mean, its a right of passage for mother's to hear those phrases!

Resolution 21: Cleaning Chart

An angel lives in the form of my friend JF.  She has a business and she volunteered her services to help me out.  I learned that the best way to clean a mirror in the bathroom is not Windex and paper towels, but a cloth and hot water, then dried with a clean cloth.  I learned that those "green" products really do work.  I learned that her heart is incredible when she wouldn't take my money.  She did remarkable work in a short time, apologized that she didn't have more time (??? I was grateful for the time she gave!) and helped me prepare for family in the most generous way because I have to tell you I wouldn't have either slept or gotten it done; a job really interferes in time for cleaning!

Now that I have a clean home, I MUST, MUST, MUST keep it this way and a schedule is the only way for that to happen.

Resolution 20: Love Letters

Do you take an occasion to write to your children each year?  On their birthday?  Christmas?  New Year's Day or at the beginning/end of School?  Yeah, me neither.  But time is slipping past me so quickly.

My Hero Daddy said he thought this year's Mother's Day might be one of the last that I could spend with all three of my boys so he arranged for College Boy to come home and be with me.  It was a SURPRISE!  And what a surprise it was!  Poor Hero Daddy had no idea what he was getting himself into because College Boy wanted to bring home College Girl, too.  That meant that my sweet husband had to CLEAN up the house because he knew I would be HORRIFIED to have her come visit and the house be its usual chaos.

Usually I spend my Saturday mornings trying to bring some order to the home, but baseball and a weekend swim meet and a trip to the ER got in the way.  (Teen Boy had injured and has now reinjured his ankle and that is a story for another day!)  So, Hero Daddy did it all:  straightened, vacuumed, cleaned bathrooms and hid stuff in our room (he's a champ!).  And when I arrived at dinner on Saturday night and saw my College Boy, I burst into tears!  What a great surprise and the rest of Mother's Day was equally wonderful, cooking with my kids in the kitchen and playing games.

This led me to this week's resolutions... write a love letter to your children.  Capture this moment in time.

R18: Vitamin/R19 Daily Schedule

What was I thinking?!  That I would actually clean the ceiling fans?  College Boy needed a visit from Mom and then I headed to Texas with Teen Boy which also meant LRHB would need quality momma time before/after the trip.  Oh, well... there is always this week for cleaning the ceiling fans.

So this week I need an easy resolution... take a vitamin.  Oh, last year I got so good... taking both a multi-vitamin and calcium.  Somehow life crept in and the bottle emptied and it didn't make the grocery list and before you know it, the good habit established is gone.

This brings me to several thoughts.  Okay, really just one long detailed thought.  How are you supposed to remember to do EVERYTHING you need to do to be the best you?  Pray, exercise, eat healthy, take vitamins, cleans, reach out to others, meditate, breathe, be in the moment with your kids, read, learn, devote time to your spouse, sleep...?  I'm just not sure.  I resolve to make myself an improved self, but I find when I add something, things drop off?  I guess I should give up TV and computer games.  I actually have cut back on TV because I like to read and I really only have time for one or the other.  Maybe I need to consider establishing a set bedtime routine (I think I did this once in a past life) and a daily written routine and include the things that are important to ME.  So I am planning ahead....

RESOLUTION 19:  Create what would be the ideal daily schedule for yourself.  Include the things you'd like to have as well as the things you have to have.  Then, give it a try!  We'll chat more about this later.

Resolution 17: Ceiling Fans

It's coming... the company is coming!  In just a few weeks I'll be playing host to my parents and my in-laws to celebrate Teen Boy graduating from high school.  I know that this happened just two years ago, but in some ways it seems like a lifetime.  It is exciting!  However, I am met with the challenge of cleaning the house  prior to their visit.  Yes, cleaning under the gun is a way of life for me.  And every time I do it, I swear it is the last time.  That some how, some way I will find a way to stay on top of it!  "It could happen!" (Angels in the Outfield).  One step to take is cleaning the ceiling fans.  About the time they arrive, it is possible that Spring/Summer will arrive and the need to use the ceiling fans.  So this week, it is time to pull out the ladder and clean those blades.  I can feel the sneezes coming already!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer Journey...

I am using the next couple weeks to post about some of the resolutions I've been making this Spring and then  I'll also be recapping later how the resolutions have gone.  Many I put in under draft as I was working on them with little notes so I'd remember to include some detail or another, so it is a matter of going through and compiling them into a readable format from notes.  Also, I will be trying to do some catching up before turning on my Nook and the fantastic tales I've been downloading and reading.  Kind of like work before play, though I love writing so it isn't really work.  Anyway, they may or may not pop up in any particular order, just a warning.

Happy Monday, Happy Reading and thanks for joining me on my resolution journey.

Resolution 16


That might look different for each of us.  Some folks need it everyday, but my schedule isn't allowing for it every day.  Some folks need routine, same time/same place/same thing.  While others look for it to change.

I know that I need to view it as something to fit in around life.  Sometimes early morning, sometimes late afternoon.  Sometimes in the gym, sometimes at baseball practice.  I would love to have it fit in the same way all the time, but I discovered that by relying on that, I dropped the habit.  I had a time, though was flex in the activity.  Now, I need to be flex in the time as well.  That is why I am having to work on it again this year.  I'd ask for tips, but I really know what I need.  I need to be flexible.  I am okay with changing up my activity, I am!  I like Zumba and treadmill and walking and biking and water aerobics.  But, I can talk myself into more sleep, more time with the kids, more housework faster than fast.

So, Sweet LM and I tried to make a go of it, like we did last spring by hitting it early in the morning, but LIFE got in the way.  We're still working on it, though!  And we've set a goal to do a 5K next fall.  Thankfully, we have a lot of time to work on that goal!

Resolution 23

23:  Make just one life changing eating habit that will stick.

I'm not sure right now what that will be but I hope that it is to Strive for Five every day.  By that I mean, I am trying on several new eating habits and I think that one is the most important so I hope that is the one that sticks.  This week I'm going start with eating clean, eliminating dairy, gluten, caffeine, alcohol, processed sugar and soy.  Okay, let's be honest, what soy do I use?  And I'm not giving alcohol up forever, just for a little while.  Processed sugar... does that include M&M's?  I'm guessing yes, so farewell chocolate.  I wish I could give you up forever cause you do me no good.  And while we're hitting the honesty track, I had coffee this morning, but black.  Tomorrow is another day.  I won't mention this again most likely outside of the amusing antidotes of the pitfalls I encounter.  HOWEVER, I am blogging about it here:

Maybe your one life changing eating habit is less sugar or cream in your coffee.  Or no soda (inspired by a tale to come).  Good Luck.